Welcome to Cobalt Gaming!

If you're new to our community, most of our interaction takes place on our Discord server which can be found at https://discord.gg/DgjaKU9aYd.

We at Cobalt Gaming are most interested in building communities around games we love. To help facilitate this, we have drafted the following social contract outlining what we as admins expect of players and what players may expect of us.

It is our general expectation that players will:

-Behave in a manner conducive to growing an inclusive community, remembering that games are for everyone, and that someone from essentially every demographic is likely to enjoy gaming. Be kind and welcoming.

-Refrain from placing obstacles, spawning enemies, performing pranks, etc. in a manner that renders a game unplayable.

-Turn to admins to resolve ongoing disputes and accept the rulings of those admins. Proof in all cases is the burden of the player! If you have a problem, be prepared to submit evidence of the problem.

-Ask admins if they are unsure if an action is in keeping with the letter and/or the spirit of our community.

-Remember that we are ALL here to have fun. This includes admins and staff who should be respected as having their own lives and opinions.

Players can expect staff to:

-Apply the same standards of behavior to themselves as they would to players.

-There will be no power-tripping here! Abuse of privileges by an admin will be addressed promptly and appropriately.

-Default to a player mode (example: survival on Minecraft) rather than any admin/god mode for general game participation.

-Earn items and abilities in game without the use of admin powers.

-Respond to player inquiries, dispute resolution requests, and item purchases within 48 hours.

-Will moderate disputes as fairly as we can.